Tuesday, January 17, 2012

first week

well, I finally started the blog almost a month into the trip. Figures! I have been keeping a journal though which will help me go back and be able revisit some great times that were had while on our first stop, Bordeaux, France. We really enjoyed the time there with my brother and his family. They were very welcoming. So to start, Danielle and I still can't believe yet are impressed with ourselves for making it out of ORLY airport in Paris and into the bus which brought us to the train station about 20 minutes away. At the train station we had a great conversatwasion with 2 woman in the restroom. They tried to explain in French we had to pay to use the bathroom and we didn't understand that we literally HAD to pay. It took a few minutes to grasp the concept! Lol! There were random pigeons sitting all over. While we waited there was a pigeon that sat at the table next to ours with a man who was drinking coffee. Kind of random? Not as random as the stray cats that linger in the hotel we are currently in, in Morocco. That's another story though, not quite there yet. My brothers in laws are very nice and his mother in law is an amazing cook! We ate more in the 2 days we were in Saintes, France than either of us have ever eaten, seriously! I tried a bit of turkey brain. It was very mushy but tasteful. We also tried duck liver also referred to as fois gras, in French. That was one of the best things I have ever tasted! It was served raw and cooked. With ways were great although I did enjoy it cooked just a little better. Upon arriving in Bordeaux, Danielle and I were taken back by the beauty of the buildings. Everything is so old, unlike our home, which is a pretty new country in comparison what we saw. People in France do smell funny. NOT all of them but, its one of the first things we took note of! I posted many pictures on Facebook of our time there. I will pick several to add to this first part of my blogs. We learned very quickly that the French love to drink! My brother and his wife were kind enough to introduce us to many of their friends. We met many interesting people from all over the world! It was cool to see what they had to say about our trip and where they suggested we visit and see. Well, my tablet is going to die. O yes! We bought an international adapter so we won't have to buy a new one with each country or continent as the conversation varies. So I will add more to the section of "chlois-sante" tomorrow. I will now finish my glass of wine in the hotel lobby here in Agadir, Morocco seeing as this is the only location to access wifi in the hotel. We miss you all! Can't wait to share more!

Pictures of our time in France!

1 comment:

  1. turkey brain? really?!

    Sounds like you are having the time of your life!
    Be safe.
